All the Prime Ministers of Australia
All the Prime Ministers of Australia

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All the Prime Ministers of Australia


Democracy and the Australian Government


Peter Turner

Accelerated Reader:

ATOS Level: 7.1
Quiz Id: 345434




Description What does it mean to be Prime Minister of Australia? What are the Prime Minister's duties? What is his or her role in making Australia's laws? What is the difference between the Prime Minister and other members of Australia's Federal Parliament? Find out the answers to these questions and many more in All the Prime Ministers of Australia.

Taking a fresh new approach to the subject of how Australian society is structured and governed, this series explains some of the key roles in Australian civic life, from that of ordinary citizens to those of Members of Parliament, the Prime Minister and Governor-General. The titles explain the rights, responsibilities and privileges of individuals in each social position, and the relationships that exist between the Prime Minister, the Governor-General, Members of Parliament and private citizens. An excellent resource for civic studies, the series provides a comprehensive introduction to the law-making process, and insight into how the government and wider Australian society function.

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