REDeBOOKS Terms and Conditions

By taking out a subscription and using the REDeBOOKS website, the subscription holder agrees to the following terms and conditions:

REDeBOOKS products and services are licensed pursuant to the REDeLEARN Digital Access Agreement, available here, the terms of which are incorporated herein and which may be modified from time to time.

  • Subscriptions will extend for one year from the date a login is provided by REDeBOOKS.
  • The main site login may be given to all teachers, students and parents within the school's own community.
  • The teacher login must only be given to teachers. Teachers must be aware that disabling any article on the REDeBOOKS website will hide that article from all other users as well, so this action should not be taken unless directed to do so by a person with authority to do this for the whole school or other customer group.
  • Before giving out the main site login, schools must inform parents and students that the login is not to be shared with any other schools or users outside the school's own community.
  • If REDeBOOKS notices that logins are being used extensively beyond the school's catchment area, we may, after consultation, change the login, or take other action as necessary to stop or limit unauthorised use of the REDeBOOKS website.
  • REDeBOOKS is not responsible for poor Internet connection speeds at the users' premises, or use of outdated browsers or other computer programs or peripherals. However, we may, after consultation, consider an extension to the subscription period if schools can prove that they experienced a lengthy period with no Internet connection due to circumstances beyond their control. REDeBOOKS will not extend this offer to individuals using the website outside the school's own premises.
  • REDeBOOKS does not guarantee uninterrupted supply of service, but will endeavour to ensure that the website is operational at all times, except during necessary system upgrades. Notice will be given by email of any scheduled upgrades to the person nominated by the customer as the primary contact. They will then be responsible for informing all other users to whom the customer has given the login.
  • Copyright restrictions apply to all content on the REDeBOOKS website, and REDeBOOKS is the copyright holder of all original material. Material whose copyright is owned by other parties is used with permission, meaning that there are copyright restrictions regarding any use by others.
  • REDeBOOKS may alter, remove or otherwise change any content on the REDeBOOKS website at any time.
  • Content on the website is accurate as far as REDeBOOKS is aware. Suggestions for changes or updates are welcome. However, REDeBOOKS does not guarantee that the website is free from all errors, viruses or unwanted content.
  • All users are responsible for their own use of the website. Users undertake that they will not use the website or any of its content to harm others either in person or through electronic means, and that they will not attempt to damage the website in any way.
  • When you post any content on REDeBOOKS, you give us the royalty-free right to use such content in any medium and in any way we consider suitable, and you guarantee that any content posted is entirely your own work and free from plagiarism.
  • Where a subscription remains unpaid after 30 days from the invoice date, REDeBOOKS reserves the right to remove access by that customer to the REDeBOOKS website. Customers are advised to contact REDeBOOKS if there is likely to be any delay in payment of subscription invoices.
  • All or any of these Terms and Conditions may change without notice.

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